Physical Therapist

David Vollan

David Vollan, Physical Therapist, DPT, extensive post graduate training in manual therapy from the Institute of Physical Arts: 

- Functional Mobilization 1

- Knee Dysfunction Junction

- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation 1

- Core First Strategies

- Functional Mobilization Upper Extremity

- Functional Mobilization Lower Extremity

- Functional Mobilization Lower Trunk

On the weekends, David likes to play in the mountains and on the sea: hiking, sea kayaking, wingfoiling and backcountry skiing. He also likes to travel internationally.

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Get in touch with Optimal Physical Therapy LLC today and take the first step towards improved mobility and reduced pain. Our expert therapist is here to help, using personalized care and the latest techniques to help you reach your goals. Fill out this form to connect with us now.